Electrician's and Plumber's Licenses

To file for a plumber's or electrician's license with the Village of Lawrence you must submit:

  1. A current copy of a Town of Hempstead, Town of North Hempstead or a Town of Oyster Bay License.
  2. A certificate of insurance for general liability.
  3. A certificate of insurance showing you carry the required Worker's Compensation insurance or the required waiver letter from the Worker's Compensation Board. *  'Acord' form no longer accepted
  4. A certificate of insurance showing you carry the required New York State disability insurance or the required waiver letter from the Worker's Compensation Board. *  'Acord' form no longer accepted
  5. Submit the required fee of $50.00 (make checks payable to the "Inc. Village of Lawrence").
For information regarding the waiver letter, please contact the worker's compensation office at (516) 570-7700.